Letter: Helpful Community Patrol

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Monday, October 3, I arrived home about 5 p.m. to a house with no power due to electrical work being done in a section of Canyon Lake, but was to be restored by 6 p.m. Around 7 p.m. my house was so dark I couldn’t see anything, so I went outside and checked with the men working on Continental Dr. who informed me they were having some major problems and it would not be restored for at least two hours or more.

I went home and placed a call to Community Patrol and spoke with Chris Witzel, asking if they could help me start my generator because it was too dark to see what I was doing. Chris immediately sent two Community Patrol officers, Rueben Hernandez and Anthony Grim, to my home.

Chris called me back within minutes letting me know they were waiting at the driveway because it was so dark they didn’t want to frighten me. Rueben and Anthony worked by flashlight for 20 to 30 minutes, trying to start my generator.

I told them it was okay, I would wait outside where there was moonlight for the power to come on or my husband to return home. They offered me their mega power flashlight that lit up my entire living room and kitchen, just asking that I return it, which I did about 9:30 when the power came back on.

Thank you, thank you to these three gentleman who show great representation of our Canyon Lake Community Patrol employees.

Julie Faia


