Letter: Unsung Heroes

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Thanks to Pat Van Dyke for a very sweet and well-written article about our family, “Joseph Stinnett/Unsung Heroes.”

Although a lot of Canyon Lakers and Canyon Lake Community Church members already know this, many of your readers may not be aware of the fact that the author of this article Pat Van Dyke, and her husband the former Pastor Pete Van Dyke, have done EXACTLY the same thing, which is raise their special needs grandson!

Our hats are off to them as well! (Someone at The Friday Flyer should write an article about them, their story is very heart-wrenching)!

Pete and Gena Surowski

Editor’s Note: The Friday Flyer has written several articles about the Van Dykes. The most recent articles appeared January 8 and 15, 2016, following their retirement.  


