Letter: Lunch and Theft

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Wednesday, September 21, was the Canyon Lake Woman’s Club’s first meeting since the changeover at the Lodge.

Our meal for lunch was absolutely wonderful, all the ladies agreed. The difference both in quality and quantity compared to last year is night and day. Our luncheon committee is very happy and told us that (executive chef) Tony Sasaki had many creative suggestions for us throughout the year.

It seems, particularly on Facebook, that we only ever hear negativity about the Lodge, so we thought we would pass this positive information along to the community. Keep up the good work.

On another note, one of our neighbors on Emperor Dr. (who asks not to be named) had their house broken into.

Here is what my neighbor would like to tell the thief: “This is to the mean people who vandalized our home on September 18 or 19. You managed to escape with numerous valuable items, but it is difficult to understand why you absconded with two photo albums. Would you have the decency to return the large album as it contains 70 years of pictures, which have so much meaning to our family and absolutely no meaning to you or anyone else?”

Lyne Hall


