Letter: More on Main Gate

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I was very impressed during construction of the Main Gate with the ability to keep traffic flowing with very little backup. Though we only had one open lane, I rarely had any wait at all, and if there was one, it was cleared quickly.

So I must admit that I am extremely puzzled at the final product. Somehow, with three lanes there are longer waits and more backup than at any other time in the history of Canyon Lake.

It’s now impossible to enter the Main Gate towing a wakeboard boat. The lanes aren’t wide enough!

How could any of the planners, or anyone signing off on the project, think that making every car come to a complete stop and then wait until the long zone is clear before proceeding, would not create major backups and delays?

I’m thoroughly embarrassed for the money that was spent and outraged at the inefficient and frustrating result.

John Walkington


