Letter: Junior Golf Camp

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

The dust has finally settled after an eventful week for our 7th Annual Junior Golf Camp. This year we hosted over 155 juniors and over 350 people for our celebration barbecue.

We would like to thank all of the parents and grandparents who brought their young ones to our camp! We would also like to thank the following volunteers:

Barbecue Volunteers: Jeff and Karen Reams and Joe Kamashian.

Women’s Golf Club Volunteers: Ura Furry, Darlene Cortez, Anita Fairfield, Ina Pickard, Linda Johnson, Lou DeYoung, Linda Kamashian, Mimi LaRosa, Marilyn Bridges, Phyllis Weed and Sue Sell.

The Canyon Lake Camber of Commerce for their donation. Without the help from our volunteers and the donations, none of this would be possible!

As with any camp that has a lot of moving parts, something is bound to be missed or accidentally overlooked. Unfortunately, this year a few names were accidentally left out, and those children were not acknowledged at the barbecue. I would like to take this time to apologize and ask that a minor clerical mistake does not deter you from returning next year.

With that said, we would like to acknowledge the following juniors:

Noah Greeves

Ozzy Leff

Elijah Carroll

Colin Griffin

Ryder Langston

Tyler Wagoner

Again, my sincerest apologies and we look forward to next year!

Bryan Carlson, PGA

1st Assistant Golf Professional, CLCC


