Don’t underestimate power of a pick-me-up

A18-PIC-TeenTwo things were established as a regular part of my schedule at the beginning of freshman year: power naps and popcorn.

Whether it be in between classes, games or drives, I could almost always find a way to have a study session with the inside of my eyelid. And whenever I had to have a concentrated reading or paper-writing session, our air popper was my go-to study buddy.

Around the time I entered high school, I recall someone mentioning that the teenage years are the second baby stage: they eat, sleep and cry. Though I’m not certain about the crying part, the former two are most definitely true.

To be honest, I’m not sure what caused the constant naps and inexplicable urges for popcorn. I do know that is was the most natural thing I could have done. It’s like asking why people put flowers on graves; what else would we do? Why wouldn’t we do the most natural thing in the world?

Throughout my high school career, naps have been a pervasive activity. Even this last fall, I would lay in some secluded corner of my school and catch a quick 20 minutes of sleep. In order to wake when my ride arrived, I would slide my phone in between my face and backpack (which has faithfully served as a pillow for the last four years) in order to feel the text’s signaling vibration. Naps have certainly been much cheaper than buying a cup of coffee!

Similar to my mother’s comment about salads awhile back (Cook’s Corner), the toppings are everything, even when it comes to popcorn. My family jokes that I take 30 minutes to make my popcorn. Not that they know, but it’s completely worth it! Old Bay, jalapeño cheese and mustard dipped variations have been surprising but loved favorites of mine for a while now.

I bring these up because, when the going gets tough, the little things help. More than a few college students have advised me to expand my toolbox of pick-me-ups to include a pillow pet, robe, coffeepot and good slippers. I’ve even heard of stories of people who initially didn’t bring their stuffed animals because of fear of embarrassment. The very next semester, it was there with them because they simply needed their pick-me-up, regardless of other’s opinion of it.

This said, there are still certain things that shouldn’t be seen as pick-me-ups. Need I go on? Drugs, smoking and dip are not things to encourage because of their well-known ill effects. Popcorn, needless to say, does not have those kinds of negative effects.

Granted, anything used in a way that is contrary to its purpose will not be good, as in using naps to escape work and popcorn to avoid responsibility. Used in the right way, however, these tools can bring relief and bits of joy as you work.

What makes these tools even better is when they are done with others. Kayaking around our wonderful lake has been a favorite pastime for the past year for our family and friends. Even popcorn-making can bring some funny memories (especially if the top comes off the air popper).

As we look forward to summer that (at least I tell my imagination) is just around corner, activity ideas and enhancers are in tall order. Use the ideas you have! You will be surprised how eager people are to try something new.

My friends and I will occasionally get together for movie marathons, rock climbing days, board games and hikes. It’s curious how it is the little things that tighten the existing friendships: Kool-Aid, friendly dares, silly contests, and (you guessed it) popcorn. Creativity is key. Whether you are trying to figure out how to refresh yourself during the school year or brainstorm bonding opportunities, it seems to work well to experience something familiar in a new way.

At the end of one of the hardest hikes I have ever done in my life, I experienced the power of the pick-me-up. We had spent a week in the back-country of Northern California, excursions of climbing, swimming and backpacking taking place every day. The hike there had been brutal and blazing hot, so imagine what it was like following a week of constant activity.

Finally, after we stumbled into the parking lot, the camp counselors unveiled the largest, greenest watermelon I have ever seen. I have always enjoyed watermelon, but that particular watermelon must have been ambrosia or something because I experienced heaven in that dusty parking lot.

Thus, the power of the pick-me-up is something that we have all encountered. So, let’s employ it in just the right amount: not too much, not too little. Let’s enjoy the heavenly, timeless, moments as they come, neither forced nor manufactured. And let’s remember that the sweetest watermelon comes at the end of a long, long journey.




