Letter: Tennis Building

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I have twice submitted a Letter To The Editor and have also spoken at a POA meeting indicating my wholehearted support of a Tennis Center Building. It does appear that support for such a building exists within the community and, to some extent, within the POA Board.

However, with the bids to build the building all coming in at over $600,000, it is naturally causing  concern for most everyone. After all, who would think that this 1,200 square foot structure would wind up costing over $500 per square foot to build? Something is very wrong about that!

I need to emphasize that, even with the problems and setbacks, this building issue has had to go through, it has not taken away from the fact that the Tennis Center Building is needed now more than ever. I, therefore,  strongly urge that the Tennis Center Building bidding process be reopened and that all contractors be given the opportunity to step up and compete in this process.

Dave Harrigan


