Rhonda Strickland’s work on display at Pepe’s

The Canyon Lake Art Association continues to display the work of its artists on the walls of Pepe’s Restaurant in the Towne Center. Artwork currently on display is that of Rhonda Strickland.

a51 A51BUsing Adobe Photoshop, Strickland says she creates her intriguing kaleidoscope and fractal artwork by rendering fractals in Incendia and Apophysis 3D Hack, along with her own photographs, with layer masking, native filters and blending.

CLAA President Barbara Perryman has this to say of Rhonda’s work, “Rhonda’s digital artwork is both fascinating, and insightful. Some of her work is also accompanied by poems that tell of her feelings behind the pieces. She uses the digital process to enhance what she sees through the lens of the camera, which gives her work a very mystical feeling.”

Barbara encourages Canyon Lakers to take some time to browse and enjoy Rhonda’s work. “Delight your senses,” she says. “You will be so glad you did!”

Rhonda is a web developer and graphic designer with her own company, RestLeSs Designs–RestLeSs D Graphics. To see or purchase Rhonda’s artwork, visit www.restlessd.com or www.facebook.com/RestLeSsDGraphics.


