Mermaids of CL do have legs

They’re a self-described odd bunch of ladies. They call themselves mermaids, they hold several unique functions every year and they unabashedly raise funds for charity by placing bets on such things as guys kayaking across the lake.

The club with the clever name and the even more clever and fun club events is The Mermaids of Canyon Lake.

What exactly is this club and what are they all about besides fish scales and tea?

Mermaids gather at last year’s Derby Day all decked out with Derby hats and outfits ready for the big race. Mermaids of Canyon Lake hold several unique and fun events throughout the year, all with the focus on raising funds for their various charitable donations. Photo provided by Mermaids of Canyon Lake

Mermaids of Canyon Lake, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is known for its dedication to community service and fundraising within the Canyon Lake area. Comprising a diverse group of women over the age of 21, the Mermaids are united by their passion for nautical activities and their commitment to the community.

This dynamic group actively organizes and participates in various fundraising events throughout the year, with all proceeds benefiting local charitable organizations. In 2023 alone, the Mermaids contributed $8,000 to various causes, with ambitions to double this contribution in the current year.

Community members can support the Mermaids’ mission by attending their social events, like the upcoming Derby Day on May 4, where participants can enjoy a Kentucky Derby-themed gathering complete with a catered lunch, drinks, and kayak races on the water. Additionally, the group welcomes donations of gift baskets for silent auctions, which are a staple at their fundraising events.

Membership in the Mermaids offers a chance to join a vibrant sisterhood focused on making a difference while enjoying social gatherings such as Paint and Sips, Bunco nights, and pool parties. The only requirement for membership is participation in meetings and events as one’s schedule allows.

The Mermaids also engage with the community at large through booths at local events, offering games and activities for all ages. Notably, they will host a Dunk Tank during Fiesta Days on May 25, adding a fun element to the festivities.

This year, the Mermaids are expanding their outreach by inviting children to their annual Mermaid Tea at the Holiday Bay Room, featuring a Kidz Cove, marketplace, silent auction, and performances. The event promises to be a family-friendly celebration of community and charity.

For those interested in joining or supporting the Mermaids of Canyon Lake, visit their website at or contact Nicole Taylor at The organization continues to be a beacon of community spirit and charitable generosity in Canyon Lake.


