Let’s Spread the Love next month

Happy Friday Canyon Lakers and Happy New Year.

I am so thankful for all the New Year has brought so far. I had lots of great things happen in 2023…lots of growth, worked on my health, but had lots of challenges, too. I know we all do, and as we get older it seems every day is even more precious.

Every year I go and spend time by myself and work out a list of things that I want to accomplish. I also have a bucket list that I make and do one of those things from my bucket list. Last year, it was to start writing and here I am with The Friday Flyer.

Aprile DeAnne McKinnon and her uncle, Don Mickelson. Photo provided by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon.

This year, however, I have not felt the desire to make the list. I have felt more than ever that I want to live more in the moment and be present with family and friends. I also just want to spread joy, love and do some things to help others. I feel I was led to Helping Hands and the peanut butter drive, so that is what I am doing for the month of February. I’m going to be “Spreading Love” to seniors in memory of my favorite uncle, who passed in October.

Helping Hands Founder Phil Sasser inspired this Spreading Love idea.

A heartfelt mission by the Helping Hands staff recently brought to light the struggles faced by a senior citizen in the local community. After being alerted by a local pastor, a team of volunteers visited the senior’s studio apartment, discovering a dire situation.

Upon their arrival, they found the senior’s cupboard and refrigerator completely empty, save for an empty jar of peanut butter. It was evident that the senior had been scraping the jar to get the last bits of food, surviving on peanut butter and water during the final week of each month while waiting for her check.

Moved by the senior’s plight, the volunteers took immediate action. By the end of the day, they had filled her cupboard with essentials, including six jars of peanut butter, and stocked her refrigerator with milk, vegetables, and fruit.

However, the senior’s situation was not unique. She informed the volunteers that many residents in her complex, particularly the disabled and those without transportation, shared similar challenges. This revelation led the Helping Hands volunteers to visit nearly every apartment in the complex, directing many seniors to a local food bank for ongoing assistance.

As a result of their efforts, Helping Hands now delivers monthly food bags to 46 seniors in the complex who are disabled or lack transportation. Today, the organization has expanded its reach, providing food assistance to over 2,500 low-income seniors in the local area.

I will be partnering with Helping Hands in memory and honor of my Uncle Don who passed away from Dementia. My Uncle Don was one of the most amazing men in my life. He lived 80 years after being diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at age 12. He loved peanut butter and daily before bed would make himself a PB&J to get him through the night.

Uncle Don would tell me all we need to survive is peanut butter, and so I want to share his love of peanut butter to help others. My uncle loved people and caring for others. He volunteered at the Torrance Memorial Hospital when he retired and never lost his zest for life. He was my biggest encouragement. He believed in me. He would be doing this project with me if he were here. I believe he is right here with me, saying, “You’ve got this Aprile.”

I know that our community is one that helps others and that is one of the treasures of living here. I hope that you will join me in helping with the “Spread the Love” creamy jars of peanut butter fundraiser. It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost much money to help spread love to others. I would love to see members of our community get their kids  and their businesses involved. Let’s spread love, joy and smiles this Valentine’s month together.

If your club wants to participate for the month of February for the “Spread the Love” fundraiser please contact me directly at 951-545-7855 or by email at aprile@goldingpublications.com. There will be donation bins set up around the Canyon Lake Town Center including in The Friday Flyer office. Contact me if you would like to have your donations picked up. We’ve got this.


