Family Matters Club celebrates successful Quartermania

The Canyon Lake Family Matters Club hosted its 10th annual Quartermania event on Sunday, marking a significant milestone at its new location in the Canyon Lake Senior Center. The event was a sell-out success, featuring a range of activities and auctions.

The club sold 58 VIP paddles and 12 general admission ones, along with additional paddles for extra chances at winning. VIP guests were treated to an endless supply of pizzas, hot dogs, taquitos, and nachos, complemented by sodas, wine, and cider. Desserts included a variety of ice creams and cookies.

The auction was energetically led by Dave McCrory, known for his auctioneer skills and vibrant personality. He was ably assisted by his wife Janice McCrory, who helped maintain a steady pace throughout the auction.

This year’s event featured four vendors at the new location: Susan Shaw’s boutique, Paper Pie with Vicki Villa, Urban Beauty by Evette Houghton, and Avon with Sheila Skinner. Each vendor contributed beautiful baskets for the auction.

Additionally, a silent auction and raffle table provided extra winning opportunities. Cash cube winners Wyatt Harper, aged 9, and Dawn Rankins each took home Chick-Fil-A gift cards.

“I couldn’t do this alone and I’m so grateful for the Family Matters board and volunteers for helping every step of the way, from getting donations to setting up and taking down.” Shawna Bowen said. “This club never ceases to amaze. There are no words to express how grateful I am for the help and support of so many, other than, thank  you.”

Club president Jeannie Hoonnirun expressed pride in the event’s success despite the change to a smaller venue.

“With the help of the Senior Center, our volunteers, vendors, and family members, we had a wonderful sell-out event,” she said. “The amount of support to help make this a huge success is awe-inspiring.”

Photos provided by Canyon Lake Family Matters Club

“So much time and hard work goes into these events,” Shawna said. “To bring fun activities along with giving back to our own community through philanthropic endeavors is beyond hard. But it is so rewarding when you see the outpouring of support and donations from local businesses and the community. So many volunteers just jump in to help. It’s what makes our club want to do more, and I’m sure other clubs feel the same way.”

Vice President Dawn Rankins highlighted the joy of seeing families come together at such events.

“This is my first year on the board of Family Matters and it is amazing to see how much families enjoy our events,” Dawn said” “It’s one of the greatest gifts I receive from being a part of Family Matters.”

The club also extended thanks to Josh Steeber, who pledged a donation from his Poker Run to the upcoming Family Matters Letters to Santa event. Josh’s challenge to other clubs and individuals to match his contribution was particularly noted.

Additionally, The Wine Trailer was thanked for donating wine to the event, Shawna said.

The Family Matters Club’s Letters to Santa event is scheduled from Dec. 1-15, with letters accepted at 29873 Mayflower Dr., Canyon Lake, CA 92587 either via the mail or by dropping into the Santa mailbox there.



