Sheriff, POA offer Halloween safety tips, cautions, advice

With the autumn season rapidly approaching, folks are buzzing with enthusiasm for one of the community’s cherished annual celebrations, Halloween. While this holiday provides an exhilarating thrill for all, there exists vital insights to grasp in order to safeguard the well-being of both youngsters and grown-ups alike.

The Riverside Sheriff’s Department extends some insightful counsel to ensure this festivity remains an amusing and secure experience for everyone.

Distributing Goodies

Extend a warm welcome to “trick-or-treaters” by illuminating the porch and any outdoor illuminations. Avoid presenting handcrafted or unwrapped goodies to kids. Maintain a secure distance between canine companions and the entryway to prevent children from experiencing fright or injury.

The Art of Trick-or-Treating

Steer clear of outfits that obstruct your vision or costumes prone to inducing stumbles. Additionally, ensure comfortable footwear is part of your attire.

Allocate a distinct path for your journey and establish a curfew for returning home. Never venture forth on your own while trick-or-treating. Collaborate with at least two companions throughout the evening. Carry a handheld light source to enhance visibility for drivers and to spot potential hazards on the roadway and fellow revelers. Thoroughly scrutinize all directions before traversing the thoroughfare, and adhere to all traffic directives.

Walk cautiously, avoiding any impulsive sprinting across the street. Decline offers of rides from unfamiliar individuals. Resist the temptation to take expedient shortcuts through rear yards, alleys, or public gardens. Refrain from entering private residences; confine your presence to the vicinity of the front porch and entryway.

Pointers for Motorists

Use extreme caution when operating a motor vehicle, as alertness is paramount. Stay vigilant for enthusiastic youngsters, whose view may be obstructed by disguises, suddenly venturing onto the roadways. Motorists ought to curtail all non-essential travel on Halloween evening and, when driving, must maintain a low pace and heightened vigilance. Numerous mishaps occur during the process of reversing vehicles from driveways. Be on the lookout for bicycles, e-bikes, scooters, and skateboards. Golf Carts need to keep lights on and keep distance for pedestrians.

Calling in Guests

Call in your guests ahead of time and send an epass. Per the Canyon Lake POA website, please note that service providers are not permitted into the community on Halloween. Examples of service providers include contractors, delivery drivers (like DoorDash or pizza delivery), furniture deliveries, HVAC services, home cleaning services, in-home healthcare services, landscapers/pool services, plumbing services, rideshare apps (like Uber or Lyft). If you have a service provider needing access to the community, you will need to add them as a temporary guest for the day.


