Yacht Club and YOP-C join up for Halloween Party Cruise

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club and the Young Old People Club have combined their groups to hold a Halloween Party and Cruise on Oct. 28. Members of both clubs will come in costumes to the Holiday Harbor Guest Docks with their finger foods to share and beverages to celebrate Halloween.

As a part of the party, prizes for best costumes, scariest costumes, and best finger food will be awarded. The event will end with people climbing aboard boats for a scary costume cruise around the lake.

“The YOP-C has the same objective as the Yacht Club – to get people together to make friends, have fun and use any excuse for a great party,” Yacht Club Commodore Ron Wilbur said.

The Yacht Club’s motto is “the best party on the water,” but the fast-growing club has shown that their parties are fun, both off and on the water, Ron said.


