A Canyon Lake Tradition: Kids Fishing Derby tomorrow

It’s time to load the kids up with their fishing poles and head to Holiday Harbor for the annual Canyon Lake Kids’ Fishing Derby tomorrow morning. The 37th annual event, a beloved September tradition, will be hosted by the Canyon Lake Bassmasters Club and all who show up will receive free food and prizes.

For those who have not registered online in advance, there is an early registration window of 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Participants can register at the sign-up tables conveniently positioned next to the concession stand and restroom facilities.

Trophies will be awarded to the top finishers and prizes are guaranteed for all participants, ensuring that the day remains a memorable experience for each young attendee.

To further enhance the festivities, a delectable array of treats will be available at no cost. Hot dogs, chips, snow cones, and a selection of refreshing beverages will be provided to all, ensuring that appetites are well satisfied without any financial burden on attendees and their families.

To sign up in advance, which is preferred, go to form.jotform.com/232225269664157.


