POA, city team up in support of Hawaii Strong

The Canyon Lake POA Board of Directors and City of Canyon Lake City Council have agreed to promote a campaign to raise donations to get assistance to those affected by the Maui fire and are asking Canyon Lake to make donations.

The Canyon Lake POA and city contacted the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency for a recommended charity with local presence to provide rapid assistance. The Maui Strong Fund (https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/strengthening/maui-strong-fund), run by the Hawai’i Community Foundation was selected to provide food, clothing and shelter for families who have lost their homes.

“The loss of human life is staggering with hundreds more missing and thousands displaced,” Canyon Lake POA President Bill Van Vleet said. “It is difficult to understand the personal hardships and witness the immense destruction for those people impacted the hardest. In response, our city council and POA board members are all supporting this drive. We would like to ask Canyon Lakers to consider making a contribution, if you are able.”

On Aug. 8, a brush fire started in Maui and spread rapidly due to dry weather and high winds from Hurricane Dora, resulting in the worst U.S. wildfire in over a century.

“Together, we can make a difference,” Bill said. “From one “bit of paradise” to another, please join us in making a donation to show that Canyon Lake cares.”


