Garden Club meets to discuss gardening techniques

Pat and Dona Ziegler, avid gardeners and community enthusiasts, hosted a delightful gathering for the Canyon Lake Community Garden Club on Sunday. The event, held at their residence, brought together fellow members to discuss various gardening topics and enjoy a tour of the Zieglers’ flourishing garden.

Club President Kelly Lopez commenced the meeting by sharing valuable information about community gardens. The club has a goal to create a community garden within Canyon Lake from which multiple Canyon Lake families can garden.

Pat Ziegler gives Community Gardeners Club members a tour of his backyard garden at his home in Canyon Lake and gives them tips as part of the club meeting Saturday at his home. Photo provided by the Community Gardeners Club.

The attendees engaged in a productive conversation about the procedures required to develop and maintain a community garden. Additionally, the members explored and exchanged gardening ideas, fostering a sense of community and learning from one another.

Pat, with his extensive gardening knowledge and experience, took the initiative to lead the group on a captivating tour of his and Dona’s well-maintained garden. Pat also talked to the members about pruning trees low enough to reach the fruit without having to use a ladder.

The attendees had the opportunity to observe different plants, learn about their care routines, and gain inspiration for their own gardening endeavors.

Dona Ziegler demonstrates how she creates and maintains her tower garden at the Canyon Lake Community Gardeners Club meeting Saturday. Photo provided by the Community Gardeners Club.

Dona, an expert in Tower Gardening, captivated the club members by explaining her maintenance techniques and showcasing instructive videos. Her insights and demonstrations provided valuable insights into alternative gardening methods, sparking curiosity and enthusiasm among the club members.

During the gathering, everyone indulged in refreshments, further fostering a warm and engaging atmosphere. As the meeting drew to a close, the club members engaged in a harvest trade, sharing their bountiful produce and reaping the rewards of their collective efforts.

Looking ahead, the Community Garden Club has exciting plans for an upcoming jelly-making class scheduled for July 29 at 10:30 a.m.

The class, to be held at a club member’s residence, will focus on the art of making pomegranate jelly. It presents a unique opportunity for participants to learn a new skill while fostering camaraderie among fellow garden enthusiasts.

It’s important to note that these classes and garden tours are exclusively available to club members. However, if anyone is interested in attending as a non-member, they can contact Kelly at 951-609-6723 for further information and potential arrangements.

The Community Garden Club continues to thrive as a hub for passionate gardeners to connect, learn, and share their love for all things horticulture.

With engaging meetings, insightful tours, and exciting upcoming events, the club remains dedicated to promoting community engagement and enhancing gardening knowledge for all its members.


