Wakeboard Club invites community to events

The Canyon Lake Wakeboard Club is actively inviting the community to its events including learning the sport and becoming a member.

Tomorrow and Sunday, its first two competitions will take place at the Canyon Lake backwater in the North Ski Area. Sign ups start at 8:00 a.m. Contact the club regarding availability. There are several divisions ranging from minis and beginners to experts.

The Canyon Lake Wakeboard Club is inviting community members to join them at their events this year, including competitions this weekend and a Learn to Ride Day May 7. Photo provided by Canyon Lake Wakeboard Club.

The club’s first Learn to Ride Day, its most popular event, is May 7. The day is for all ages and skill levels. Those participating can expect to get tips and tricks from the club’s expert coaching staff and to enjoy some fun for the whole family. Gear is provided, if needed.

The fee for the Learn to Ride day is $35.00 or free for those with pull passes.

To join the club, email canyonlakewakeboardclub@gmail.com. Club members can purchase the Pull Pass for $115.00 ($80 for minis) which includes one ride at each event (five rides total), club shirt, End of the Year Event invitation, a special raffle and $5.00 off each additional division entered.

Individual Event pricing is three for $60 or $25 each for competitions ($20 for minis). Learn to Ride days are $35 each ($20 for minis).


