A New Year with a New Year’s resolution

Happy New Year Friday Flyer readers. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and now that we have officially walked through the door from 2022 to 2023, we all get to start our year off fresh and new.

Have you made your resolutions? I have, and this year I am determined to follow through with them. I have made a list of resolutions and put them in order of importance and I am looking forward to being able to cross off the list the resolutions I will have mastered. While some resolutions are between me and the universe, there are some I can share with you.

First and foremost, I want to make sure I make a more diligent effort to be out in our wonderful community as much as I can. I want to make sure I am doing all I can do to cover as much as possible. Every event deserves to be highlighted and considered for upcoming editions of the Friday Flyer.

Now this is my work resolution, but for my own personal resolutions, I have made a few. One resolution is to become a better me, a healthier version of myself. I also want to do the little things that I was so excited to do when I moved here. I want to go to the various beaches and just spend time by the water, writing.

A New Year’s resolution is defined as a promise we make to ourselves, or a decision we make to do something to perhaps improve our behavior or lifestyle in some way.

For me, I look at a New Year’s resolution as a chance to acknowledge my own personal traits that I don’t really like. That allows me to reflect on the previous year and see the things in my life that I want to improve and or change.

Changes can be hard, yet they can be simply amazing. Changes give us the opportunity to not only grow as a person, but to learn. Life is full of lessons. Challenges make us stronger, if we embrace them and accept them.

Change is the nature of life, but challenge is the future of life. So challenge the changes. Never change the challenges…”— Amitabh Bachchan.

When I was coming home from an appointment this week, I looked up at the sky. It was dark with hints of light shining through. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the American flag flying high above, blowing in the wind and I couldn’t help but smile. I smiled because that flag represents something special to me. It’s a reminder of where I came from and all the things I’ve accomplished over the last year here in Canyon Lake.

My New Year’s resolution for last year was to fly the American flag proudly and for the last 365+ days, I’ve done just that. Seeing the flag flying tonight from a neighbor’s home, I was reminded of the resolutions I made last year. And guess what? I did or accomplished nearly all of them.

I’m excited for 2023 and for the adventures that we get to have as a community this year.

I’m excited to be more involved with the clubs, the city and the chamber. I’m excited to hear your resolutions and stories.

With that being said, please reach out to me and let me know your story. The Canyon Lake Life column, so far, has been mostly about me and my journey here in the lake, but there’s plenty of room for your stories, too.

So, if you want to share your story and give me the opportunity to write it, I’d love to hear from you.

You can email me at dawn@goldingpublications.com.


