CLMS Cheer wins big at Pomona

Canyon Lake Middle School Competition Cheer is already off to a great start for the 2022-2023 season. The team competed at the World Class Cheerleading Cali Crown Championship in Pomona at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds last month and took First Place.

In addition to placing First Place in the junior High Show Cheer Division, the squad also took home the highest scoring routine of all the Grand Champions. There were 17 school teams.

“We were awarded champion banners, shirts, champion jackets and rings,” CLMD Cheer Coach Tammy Howard said. “We also earned paid bids to compete in two upcoming competitions.”

About half of the CLMS Cheer Competition Team members are from Canyon Lake. Those who live in Canyon Lake are Bria Hofmann, River Cassara, Kyla Easterly, Jennah Jaffe, Chloe Ortiz, Railey Berry, Reese Marcuse, Courtney Medina, Mikaela Kivrizis, Summer Bristow and Kyleigh Peter.

Additional team members are Emma Fisher, Kailey Martinez, Kali Stoltz, Maliyah Myers, Julia Flynn, Tori Busell, Emily Hernandez, Jayla Douglas, Audrina Mercado, Natalie Gonzales and Sophia Lares.

The team is coached by Tammy and Kendall Howard.


