Here’s what The Friday Flyer has done for me

Hello fellow Canyon Lakers, I do hope this column finds each and everyone of you well.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written, and I didn’t want much more time to go by before I wrote a little something to let you all know how much I appreciate all the kind words I’ve received from you about the column.

I’ll share a little secret with you about this column. It’s where I’m free to write pretty much what I want and how I want. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Chuck does check it over to make sure it’s suitable for The Friday Flyer. I respect him for that, but I am grateful for being allowed to write my own, personal column.

This is the type of writing I love most of all. I love to write from the heart and that is also, at times, my downfall. Column writing is more freestyle than the writing of the articles. Here, I can give my opinion and give my thoughts and feelings, and so the words generally pour out of me.

My reporting needs to stay in a certain format to ensure that the paper is uniform from week to week. I need to keep my thoughts and opinions out of the articles so as to report fairly for each and every event or story. It’s not easy. I’m reminded all of the time that I need to stay out of the articles.

When I write, sometimes I allow my emotions to take over and that’s my biggest problem. That type of writing is best suited for this column or for my blogs.

Learning the ropes of being a reporter for The Friday Flyer is like getting a hands-on education. I’m learning how to write in a journalistic style, rather than in a first-person style. I love the challenge and I love learning a new way to write.

The Friday Flyer is teaching me a new way to write, however, that’s not all it has taught me. I have learned something that I never thought was possible. I’ve always felt more reserved when being in groups of people. I think I still feel more comfortable having my friends around me when I’m at large events, but I’m getting more confident in showing up by myself.

I attend more and more events on my own. If you would have told me that I would be doing this two years ago, I would have laughed at that concept. The Friday Flyer has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and it’s forced me to go out in public by myself.

I’ll confess, there are days when I still get uptight anticipating being at events. But, once I’m there, the anxiety goes away pretty quickly. This community is one of the most welcoming groups of people I’ve ever come to know. I was quite involved in the Murrieta Valley School District for over 20 years and while I met some awesome people, I still had confidence issues in going to events alone. Now, with each event I attend, that feeling subsides so much more quickly, if I feel it at all.

I’m not sure where my writing will take me. I hope to continue as your Friday Flyer reporter. I enjoy meeting you all and being invited to not only the events, but at times, to some of the dinners and lunches.

I appreciate all the kindness and support from the community of Canyon Lake and no matter where I end up, it will be because of The Friday Flyer giving me the opportunity to meet so many people. I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am for the friends I’ve made here in Canyon Lake. I am blessed to have a core group of true friends who I know have my back.

I’ve never had friends like you all before. My previous friendships always had a condition attached to them. It seemed that when my life took a different turn, I would be cast aside (we won’t go there now).

I just want to say thank you Canyon Lake for giving me the opportunity to share your stories and events with the community, and writing them in The Friday Flyer.

I do hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you will enjoy making more memories at all the upcoming holiday events here in the lake.


