Lions Club looking for donations at event

The Canyon Lakes Lions Club will be at Pack, Wrap and Post in the Canyon Lake Town Center on Oct. 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to support the National White Cane Safety Day. They will be raising awareness for White Cane safety laws. Lions Club members will be distributing information about White Cane Safety Day, a day of importance for the Red-Tipped White Cane to all blind and nearly blind people everywhere.

They will also be collecting financial donations that they will pass along to White Cane organizations.

The history of the White Cane began in 1921 when a photographer became blind following an accident. To ensure his safety while being mobile, he painted a walking stick white so cars could see him better.

In 1930, the president of the Peoria Lions Club introduced painting the tip of the White Cane red. This became widely accepted and the idea spread quickly.


