Canyon Lakers hula end to summer

Hundreds of Canyon Lakers hit the sand at Sunset Beach Sunday and experienced a little bit of the islands as Polynesian dancers and performers brought a ceremonious close to summer Sunday at the Lodge and Sunset Beach.

The Hawaiian-style hula entertainment took place on Sunset Beach at 7:00 p.m. as hundreds of swimsuit-wearing Canyon Lake families sought a respite from the heat. Polynesian Entertainment Group included hula dancers, Samoan drummers and fire dances. Kids and adults were brought up to learn the dances on the sand.

Earlier, luau-style food was available for purchase from the Lighthouse Restaurant while food vendors including So Cheesy, Tiki Treats, and Baja Dogs sold food out of their food trucks. Water slides, DJ entertainment and lawn games took place outside the Lodge where youngsters looked for opportunities to get wet.

The annual event was put on without charge by the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association.

Photos provided by Canyon Lake POA


