Pickleball scholarship recipient awarded

The winner of the 2022 Canyon Lake Pickleball Club Scholarship is Adam Pincard for his winning essay on “How to demonstrate how you have given back to the community during the last years of high school.”

Adam’s winning essay included content on teaching self defense to help prevent human trafficking.

“Holding self defense classes for the people of the community will educate people on the risk of human trafficking in Riverside County,” Adam said in his essay. “The U.S. Department of State estimates that 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into the United States every year, with California being one of the major hotlines for human trafficking. I believe that people should know the basic self-defense tactics in order to prepare themselves for a situation where their life could potentially be in danger.”

Adam Pincard. Photo provided by Steve Libring

Adam worked out of a local martial arts studio to teach basic self-defense moves to local community members in case they found themselves in a situation where self defense was needed.

“Not only was Adam able to teach some of these self-defense tactics and raise awareness on the dangers of trafficking that is prevalent in Riverside County,” the Pickleball Club’s Steve Libring said, “but he donated all the funds he collected for the classes to Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that helps fight against human trafficking in Riverside County and reunites victims with their families.”

When asked what his plans are now that he’s graduated from high school, Adam replied, “I’m headed to Whittier College in Los Angeles where I’ll be majoring in Business as well as playing football,” he said. “My goals for the next five years are to earn a degree, as well as make connections that will set me up to get a good job out of college.”

His current goal is to get into commercial real estate after college and feels that majoring in business is the best path.

“I’m really excited to move out and start this next chapter of my life,” he said. “The Pickleball Club wishes Adam much success in the years to come,” Steve said. “We appreciate the efforts this teen has already shown to give back to his community.”


