Letter: Tribute to dad as Father’s Day approaches

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

No books will ever be written about him and no movies will ever be made of his life. He’s been gone from this earth for 27 years now and only a few people even remember him.

He was my father.

I am 77 years old now, but I can tell you, I miss him dearly. My pop had more wisdom than any man I had ever known. His stories were magical. And as I sat upon his lap as a child, he would reminisce about the days when he was a young boy in Arizona where he delivered ice in a flatbed wooden wagon that was pulled by a horse to those people who only had ice boxes.

He told me about the newspapers when he was in high school that had written about Babe Ruth hitting 60 home runs. He said it was unbelievable.

Pop was a great saxophone player and substituted in the Benny Goodman Band when the band came to Los Angeles. It was amazing that he spoke three languages and never went to college. He worked two jobs to help put my brothers and myself through college.

No, he’s not remembered by the general public anymore, but I sure have memories and do thank him regularly for his wisdom and love.

— Paul Parque

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