CLEAR to sponsor Idyllwild Day Camp

The CLEAR Foundation is sponsoring an outdoor day camp in the Idyllwild mountains June 22 and 23 for youth and young adults. CLEAR is a Canyon Lake organization that promotes youth activity in the community. The deadline for registering for the day camp is June 6.

Outdoor Adventures by Boojum, which was established in 1976, is putting on the camp. There are two options. One is a single-day camp on June 23. The second option is a two-day overnight camp June 22 and 23. Both camps consist of Challenge Course events.

The one-day camp is an outdoor program that includes Boojum’s exclusive High Ropes Challenge Course, team-building activities, leadership, games, and all-around outdoor fun.

This camp includes a high and low ropes challenge course that helps students safely get outside their comfort zone and challenge themselves to new heights. The $160 registration fee Includes lunch and snacks, course instruction, the High Ropes Challenge course equipment, games, activities equipment, supplies and memories that will last a lifetime.

The $260 overnight challenge course leadership program invites youth and young adults to have a memorable camping experience, focus on social connection, leadership training, nature, and embark on a great outdoor adventure.

Professional outdoor education staff members take small groups of campers through a wide range of outdoor camping activities. This camp, like the one-day camp, includes a high and low ropes challenge course as well as hiking, leadership activities, team building, and basic camping instruction.

Evening activities include campfire treats and conversation and includes outdoor education instruction, basecamp site, camping tents and sleeping bags, meals, snacks, high and/or low ropes course equipment, games, activities equipment, supplies, starry nights, fresh air and memories to last a lifetime.

Because a minimum of 30 participants is required to hold the camp, payment is not due until the camp is confirmed. The registration closes at 10:00 a.m. on June 6.

CLEAR (Canyon Lake Enrichment Activities and Recreation) is focused on activities such as this camp and supports adventure for Canyon Lake’s youth.

To book this day camp, those interested can call 951-763-4102, email or visit the event website at


