Senior Center Potluck, LCR Game Night Sunday

The Canyon Lake Senior Center is holding its second potluck since the pandemic hit over two years ago on Sunday. It is being combined with an LCR Game Night. The festivities begin at 5:00 p.m.

Those seniors who attend are to bring a dish to share. It can be any type of dish including an appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert. Each person’s “drink of choice” should also be brought to the dinner.

The evening will start with a social half hour from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the Senior Center will provide red and white wine and coffee. Around 5:45 p.m., the potluck dinner begins.

Dinner will be over around 6:45 p.m. when all will be invited to join in a game of LCR, or better known as “Left, Center, Right.” LCR is a fast-paced dice game that is all about leaving it up to chance as players try to become the one player with the chips left at the end of the game.

The evening will also have soft music playing for everyone’s enjoyment.

The evening is geared towards the seniors, but the senior‘s younger family is welcome to come as well.


