Letter: Incorporating love this time of year

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I want to thank the two young girls who ran up my long driveway last week and quickly left a plastic baggie of small homemade candy cookies at my front door. I was able to see and thank them. I did not know who or what neighbor encouraged them…their parents perhaps?

I am also thankful for the handwritten letters some neighbors received from JWs that express the Hope of the Bible Message. You all made my year of hope for our city, county, state, country and, yes, the world. As Rodney King once said: “Can’t we all get along?”

The word Christmas was used because it comes from Middle English Cristemasse which in turn comes from Old English Cristes-messe. Or you can say, Christ’s Mass. This is to see the true meaning of this season. Most know Jesus Christ was not born on this date, Dec. 25, but to show love as one, we take time to share hope, love, understanding and forgiveness – for love never fails!

My family does not celebrate Christmas in the same way, but the love is there. Many know Jesus Christ, Muslims, Buddhism, Hindus, Jehovah Witnesses, Jewish, Born Again and all Christian faiths and any who I have left out. Know and appreciate Jesus Christ. Christians understand he is the Son of Almighty God who gave us his only begotten son: first creation and savior of all mankind. Thank you all!

We have a good year coming.

– Rita Bendlin


