Letter: ‘Little House’ Christmas a reminder of humility

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I have read many books to my students in my career, but only one during the holidays. It is Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

It begins with a family of three girls and parents moving from Wisconsin to the prairie of Kansas. With no money they build a cabin. The nearest neighbor is a mile away. Then the winter comes during Christmas and the children wonder if Santa will come in such a storm. The nearest town is a day’s ride and Pa does not think he can get there in the storm. Enter Mr. Edwards, the only neighbor. He volunteers to go to town to get presents. He then returns and tells the children that Santa could not cross the river, so he will deliver the girls’ presents.

I choke up at this part. In the hanging stockings, the girls each found a new tin cup each. No sharing. Plunging in again, they pulled up a peppermint stick. They took only one lick each! Save it. Then they pulled out two tiny cupcakes. They nibbled only the sides. It was too pretty to eat. Mother told them to reach down once more. They delved into the stocking to pull out two shiny pennies. Money! Overwhelmed, they put it away for a savings.

Folks, now that is a humble family. With the excess that we take for granted today, I can see that having a family, home and food is all that we really need.

 — Paul Parque

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