Letter: Tasteless Christmas display

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I have just seen the worst, most tasteless, Christmas display of my entire life. At a house on Continental there is a display of some of the usual Christmas decorations. But, the display includes a satanic skeletal Santa with horns protruding from his Santa hat. It also has another Halloween hold over in the form of a demon-possessed child.

The real Santa is the embodiment of unconditional love, purity and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Santa has a sense of humor, but what is the point of this display? This isn’t amusing, it’s satanic.

Have all the scary fun you want with Halloween, but why ruin Christmas for the little children? If my little grandchildren are with me, I will take a detour on Grey Fox to avoid this disgusting display.

Jesus is the reason for the season.

— Tim Kimble


