Tennis Club holds 2021 Christmas Party, Casino Night

Jeananne Meyer Woodman honors Val Thompson Gambina after dedicating 13 years on the tennis club board.

The Canyon Lake Tennis Club held its 2021 Christmas Party and Casino Night after having to cancel last year due to the pandemic.

Tennis Club president Bill Conlin was in charge of the event activities and the club members said they would like to thank him for all his hard work in helping to make the evening a huge success.

So many generous contributions and prizes were donated and the club thanked the Van Vleets, the Conlins and Michelle Porter for making the raffle the success it was.

Members of the club played faux black jack and won prizes instead of stacks of legit chips. Winners of the night on the tables were Phil Braun, Erin Furlong and Bill Furlong.

If only Phil Braun’s stacks and stacks of the chips he won had cash value. Instead, Phil, who won the most chips at the Canyon Lake Tennis Club Christmas Party and Casino Night, was the winner of the poker competition.

Valorie Thompson Gambina was honored for her dedication to the Canyon Lake Tennis Club for 13 years. Valorie was thanked for not only her time, but for her wealth of knowledge and experience that has helped in making the tennis club an amazing success.

The club continues to grow. Valorie has helped organize many of the club’s events, such as the annual Shadow Mountain Retreats. The club is so thankful to have her continue on in advising the Club with her expertise.

The club also wants to thank Jeananne Meyer Woodman and Mary Lynn Kosterfor all their behind the scenes work for the Canyon Lake Tennis Club. Some Club Board members are leaving their positions and the club is thankful to them for their hard work.

In addition to playing blackjack at the Canyon Lake Tennis Club Christmas Party and Casino Night, the party participants took to the dance floor. Photos provided by Jennifer Denson

A big thank you from all those who attended the party goes to The Canyon Lake Tennis Club’s Christmas Party Committee. Some of those who worked to make Casino Night a fun and memorable night, are, Danette Conlin, Sue Hastings Muscarella, Val Gambina, Carolyn Van Vleet, Dawn Wessel, Gyan Jeet Barringham, Sandy Wible, Sheila Steele, Devlin Knott Fillmore, Jill and Jennifer Denson.

Donations are still being accepted until Dec. 17 for the Dream Centers Families.

The evening was not only fun packed, but the Tennis Club’s Christmas Party was supporting some wonderful charities.


