Halloween events back to normal

Halloween last year was quite a bit spookier than what’s being experienced in Canyon Lake this year. COVID-19 restrictions were in full force and Canyon Lake’s typical Halloween events were shuttered. Creativity kept the spirit of Halloween alive last year. Social distanced Halloween events encouraged people to decorate their homes and leave candy on their doorsteps.

What a difference a year makes. Halloween is back with a vengeance. Already, Canyon Lake has experienced its traditional Parade of Frights where hundreds showed up to roam the Canyon Lake Town Center and collect candy. Halloween Town has named its winners of best decorated houses. CarnEvil, a private Canyon Lake citizen who invited the community to his yard of terror, has attracted 1,000 visitors. Even Dock or Treat was born and had boats filled with costume-clad kids visiting decorated docks for goodies.

Now, with Halloween just a couple of days away, Canyon Lake will fill parks with more festive fun.

Dozens of costumed kids and roughly 15 boats took to the waters of Canyon Lake to do a little trick or treating at 12 scary docks that had signed up to participate in the first Canyon Lake Dock or Treat event.Photos provided by Dock or Treat FaceBook Group.

Tomorrow is the popular Canyon Lake Family Matters Halloween Carnival and Trunk or Treat at Holiday Harbor.

The Canyon Lake POA is holding its costume photo contest with fairly significant prizes for the winners.

And the community’s dogs even have a Howl-o-Ween costume contest at the Eastport Park dog park where ribbons will be awarded to both large and small dogs.

All of these events and their details are in stories inside The Friday Flyer this week. There has not been or will there be a shortage of things this weekend to do for those looking for some Halloween fun.

Classic trick or treating door to door is no doubt returning as well, so careful driving is once again in order as ghosts and goblins traverse city streets in their quest for goodies.

Photos provided by Dock or Treat FaceBook Group.


