Brain injury doesn’t keep author from publishing

Tammy Revard

Tammy Revard, a Canyon Lake woman who has triumphed through adversity, has not let a brain injury hinder her from writing a novel.

After severe exposure to mold at her house in 2009, Tammy’s grammar, speech, and coordination have never been the same. The life-altering exposure hasn’t kept her from realizing her goals and dreams.

Tammy’s novel, “The True Airhead,” goes into detail about healing from a traumatic brain injury and teaches readers how to gain self-confidence. Tammy chooses to call herself the “True Airhead” not in a malicious sense, but because a part of her brain has just air there.

It was in 2009 when Tammy was dangerously exposed to the mold.

“In my old house, I had a broken sprinkler which continually sprayed on the walls,” Tammy said. “My ex-husband had neglected it. This continuous spray caused mold on the walls. It turns out I’m severely allergic to mold.”

This mold led Tammy to suffer 16 asthma attacks within three months.

“My last asthma attack was so severe I passed out for a few seconds at the Urgent Care,” Tammy said. “During those few seconds, oxygen was cut off to my brain, and I lost a part of my brain. If I hadn’t made it to Urgent Care right away, I would’ve died. I was so lucky.”

After the last asthma attack, Tammy could no longer work. She decided instead of being employed, she would spend her time volunteering for some of the Canyon Lake clubs.

“There are some things I can never do again, which I have learned to accept,” Tammy said. “But, it turns out I can still write a novel with a part of my brain missing.”

Tammy Revard did much of her writing at Holiday Harbor for her new novel, The True Airhead. Her book, which debuts on July 12, tells her story of suffering a brain injury as a result to severe mold exposure.

Tammy never dreamed writing a novel would be in her future after the injury.

“I was on an entrepreneurial challenge, and it was a free zoom event,” Tammy said. “A speaker called on me and asked me what makes me different from the other 250 attendees. I said, ‘I’m missing a part of my brain!’ He immediately asked me why I haven’t written a book. To which I explained I don’t have my writing abilities anymore. Another attendee chimed in and said, ‘that’s what editors are for’.”

Within the next 15 minutes, Tammy had three authors and a branded website waiting for her to make a move. Kevin Harrington, a successful business entrepreneur who was also on the show Shark Tank, wrote the foreword in Tammy’s novel.

“My novel is sort of like a motivational autobiography,” Tammy said. “While reading the book, you will find your worth. Not only am I sharing my story and experience, but I’m also bringing awareness to the danger of mold.”

For Tammy, every day is a healing process.

“Being with my supportive husband,” she said. “writing my novel, and feeling support from my entrepreneurial community has made life certainly better.”

Tammy’s novel “The True Airhead” will be on sale starting July 12. The book can be purchased on her website The novel can also be obtained from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and many other retailers.


