Sunscreen tips can help prevent skin danger

As summer heats up and Canyon Lakers spend more time outdoors, The Skin Cancer Foundation would like to remind everyone how to use sunscreen safely and effectively as part of a sun protection routine.

“Though no single sun protection method is foolproof, research has shown that sunscreen use reduces your risk of developing skin cancer,” The Skin Cancer Foundation President Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, said. “Understanding how to select the right product for you is the first step toward incorporating sunscreen application into your everyday routine.”

Selecting a sunscreen can seem overwhelming. There are many different formulations and the language on the packaging may be unfamiliar and sometimes unpronounceable. Deciphering a sunscreen’s label is the first step to finding the perfect match.

The first thing to consider is the sunscreen’s SPF, or sun protection factor. One way to think about SPF is in terms of percentages: SPF 15 filters out approximately 93 percent of all incoming ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. SPF 30 keeps out 97 percent and SPF 50 keeps out 98 percent. A sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 is fine for daily use, but if plans include spending an extended amount of time outdoors, pick a water-resistant formula with an SPF of at least 30.

The second thing to check for on a label is the term “broad spectrum.” It’s vital that sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection, which means the product protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Both types of UV rays penetrate the skin and cause damage that can lead to skin cancer. If a sunscreen only screens out one type, the skin is vulnerable.

Once the SPF is decided and the product is labeled “broad spectrum,” other qualities, based on personal preference and lifestyle, can be considered. For example, check the list of active ingredients on the bottle. Look for a physical filter (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) if sensitive skin is an issue. These physical filters are less likely to cause skin reactions than chemical ingredients. Many sunscreens combine both chemical and physical filters.

There are also a myriad different formulations and “feel” that appeal to different people. There are quality sunscreen options available in lotions, gels, sticks and sprays. Many offer tinting, anti-aging ingredients, a dry “sports” feel or benefits for acne-prone skin.

In addition to choosing the best type of sunscreen, it is vital the product is used correctly. How much should be used and how often should it be applied?

“You’ve selected an appropriate SPF, made sure your sunscreen is a broad-spectrum formula and found a product that you like,” Dr. Sarnoff said. “But that sunscreen won’t protect your skin if you don’t use it properly. Understanding application is a must.”

It is suggested that individuals use one ounce of sunscreen, about the amount that would fit into a shot glass, to cover the entire body, she said. For the face, a nickel-sized dollop works. Slathering on sunscreen in the morning isn’t enough protection to last all day, though.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends applying sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside, then reapplying every two hours and immediately after swimming or sweating. Water-resistant sunscreens typically offer 40 minutes or 80 minutes of protection while in the water.

“No sunscreen is truly waterproof, however, so in these situations, be aware how long the product claims to protect against moisture and keep an eye on the clock,” the association president said. “With reapplication, a person should use up one four-ounce bottle of sunscreen during a long-day outdoors.”

Though using sunscreen is a crucial part of any sun protection routine, it’s also important to seek shade and cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses, she said.

“Now that you’ve picked out the sunscreen that’s right for you, it’s important to remember that no single sun protection method can protect you completely,” Dr. Sarnoff said. “The Skin Cancer Foundation has always recommended a multi-pronged approach to sun safety.”


