Mom throws party for fifth graders

Canyon Lake mother Amanda Wede held a celebration for her daughters’ fifth grade class in hopes for making up in a small measure for what has been lost because of the pandemic.

Amanda held the celebration at Indian Beach on Saturday for her twin daughters’ fifth-grade class from Tuscany Hill Elementary.

“Like many students, my twins Charlotte and Sienna missed a chunk of their fourth grade last year,” Amanda said. “And then they missed their fifth-grade year. I just really wanted all of our children to remember their friends, socialize, and be kids before they begin to grow up in middle school.”

The children enjoy an array of sweets from cakes to gourmet cookies to culminate the celebration at Indian Beach for these fifth graders. Photos by Mai Kelly.

The fun-filled celebration took place from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The future sixth graders were occupied with a rock wall, a giant Jenga set, tug-a-war, snow cones, and cotton candy.

“A lot of the parents chipped in to help, and families were also encouraged to donate $15.00; some donated even more,” she said. “I was able to use that money to pull off this celebration, which I’m so thankful for. Gigi Sacks, a Canyon Laker, also donated some amazing decorated graduation cookies for each child.”

The rock wall proved to be a popular site for the children.

The celebration exceeded expectations for Amanda and the children who attended.

“Everything went incredibly well,” she said. “The POA was very helpful, and the school allowed me to pass innovations on to the kids.”

The 45 children who arrived were a mix of Canyon Lake and Tuscany Hills community kids. Three teachers from their fifth-grade class also made an appearance to celebrate with their students.

Fifth graders at the celebration compete against each other in a game of tug-o-war.

Amanda originally wanted to hold the celebration as a culmination ceremony since their elementary school planned not to throw one.

“However, at the last minute, the school changed its mind and held the ceremony on June 3,” Amanda said. “But we had everything planned on Saturday, and we turned this into an awesome additional celebration.”


