Water district offering rebates for being more efficient

By Greg Thomas
General Manager,
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District

At Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, we’re passionate about building Canyon Lake into one of our water-wise communities. We’re proud of all the steps that our Canyon Lake customers and staff have taken to embrace water use efficiency as an essential way of life here in Southern California – even in wet years.

When it comes to conserving water, we’ve seen that small, everyday actions can add up to make a big difference in securing safe, reliable water supplies for generations to come.

As many of you may have heard, our current state water forecast looks grim due to a dry winter and it appears we are on our way to another drought. We all must do our part, and we have many ways to help our valued customers save water.

EVMWD’s efforts to assist our customers in taking advantage of water-wise rebates and devices are currently saving more than 258 acre feet of water every year. That’s enough water to supply 700 homes for an entire year. That’s also a savings of more than $280,000 in costly imported water, which has a significant impact on water bills.

To keep the water-use efficiency momentum going, we’re rolling out an exciting “There’s a Rebate for That” program with rebate information and eligibility reminders for our customers. We invite Canyon Lakers to visit www.evmwd.com/conservation to learn how you can apply for rebates for everything listed below:

  • Drip irrigation systems
  • High-efficiency clothes washers
  • Hot water recirculating devices
  • Premium high-efficiency toilets
  • Rain barrels and cisterns
  • Rotating sprinkler nozzles
  • Soil moisture sensors
  • Turf replacement
  • Weather based irrigation controllers

In addition, through EVMWD’s advanced meter technology, customers can now take control of their water use and monitor their water consumption online. Our high-tech AquaHawk system helps customers leverage the multiple benefits of having an advanced meter, including identifying ways to increase water use efficiency and save money in the process. Customers can also sign up for water leak and water use alerts through AquaHawk.

At the same time, our  team is working behind the scenes to optimize our water systems. We’ve secured grants to help us identify any potential inefficiencies and associated infrastructure upgrades that can increase our efficiency and reduce system loss.

At EVMWD, we often hear from folks who are interested in taking their water-use efficiency practices to the next level, but don’t know exactly where to start. If that sounds like you or someone you know, here are five ways you can make a measurable difference:

Fix leaks. Common leak sources include running toilets, dripping faucets, home water treatment units and sprinkler systems.

Install beautiful, water-wise landscaping. Swap turf grass for California-friendly plants to cut outdoor water use by more than half.

Invest in a drip irrigation system to save water and prevent the runoff of toxic contaminants into Canyon Lake, which is one of our chief water supplies.

Don’t overwater plants. Use a rain shutoff device, soil moisture sensor or humidity sensor to control irrigation.

Upgrade to efficient, WaterSense appliances.

We also offer a variety of workshops, which teach about better irrigation, landscaping and California friendly plants. On May 8, EVMWD will host a “Pollinator’s Garden Workshop” highlighting how to attract hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators with water wise plants available locally.

Thank you for your efforts to work together with us as we strive to build water-wise and sustainable communities here in the Lake Elsinore Valley and beyond.


