Letter: Flag parade

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

You have presented and glorified one side of the “flag” issue in Canyon Lake.

You stated in the front page story last week that no rules appeared to have been broken. You must have missed the “F#$% Biden” flags and signs.

Those of us who have experienced a peaceful, beautiful neighborhood of class in the past have been appalled at the bullying, “in your face,” threatening and divisive behavior of many residents in the past year. Many residents who hold a differing opinion than the Trump-loving Republican majority have had their properties and their well-being threatened.

All these people are asking is that the flags of politics be allowed for a limited time around elections, and that they refrain from curse words. How would you feel if your children had to see “no more bullsh–” on flags and signs on streets, cars, golf carts, boats and everywhere they turn? How about “f%$# Biden?”

The “flag” people have tried to make it seem that the prohibition of flying of the American flag is included in the proposed changes. Of course not!!! We would just like class and peacefulness restored by removing political signs after the election.

If you consider yourself a quality paper, you owe it to the community to now show the other point of view and print the truth, that we do not wish to stop anyone from displaying the (beloved to both sides) American flag.

– Janice C Graubard

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on city, POA and other community issues. Letters are limited to 300 words and one signature per letter. Neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials, letters directed to other persons and political letters directed toward an opponent will not be printed. Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate POA, City of Canyon Lake, Canyon Lake Police Department or other entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue. Letters should be emailed to news@goldingpublications.com or submitted at fridayflyer.com and click on Submit News/Photos. Deadlines are Tuesdays at noon.


