Green Committee major help to golf course

The Canyon Lake Green Committee is charged with the preservation, enhancement and maintenance of the Canyon Lake Golf Course and works closely with the Canyon Lake POA Operations Department to fulfill its responsibilities.

The committee consists of seven members and one alternate. Five of the members are appointed by the POA Board of Directors and three selected from major groups in the golf community. The current chairman is Valerie Montgomery.

The golf course is a living amenity that can change daily and is affected by weather, maintenance and misuse and therefore the committee works closely with both of the outside vendors that maintain and operate the golf course.

The committee chairman meets monthly with the maintenance superintendent along with an operations supervisor to tour the entire course to identify and record weak areas that will need special attention. The committee also works closely with the course’s golf professional for rules issues, cart matters or other concerns that would affect play on the course.

The Green Committee also works closely with the Tuesday Work Group volunteers on an assortment of projects or repairs that improve and enhance the golf course.

Aside from care and maintenance of the golf course, the Green Committee works on larger projects as directed by the Canyon Lake POA Board of Directors.

Most recently, the committee culminated over three years of work by identifying irrigation problems and discovering solutions that will improve the turf condition and save hundreds of thousands of gallons of water each year. The irrigation project design has been completed and bids are currently being reviewed.

Another project the committee has worked on over the past two years is the review of the maintenance scope of work which is part of the maintenance contract.

Many hours were spent evaluating each section and incorporating the drought-tolerant areas into the scope. The RFP went out late last year and BrightView was the successful bidder and will continue to maintain the course through April 2026.

The committee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Room. It is an open meeting to all members of the community and visitors are welcome.

– Story provided by Canyon Lake Golf Clubs’ February Bulletin


