Tennis Club plays tournament in costumes

Playing tennis in a bumble bee costume or while wearing a Joker mask adds a whole new dimension to the game. The Canyon Lake Tennis Club, with all members wearing Halloween costumes, held its monthly tennis tournament and tried its best to maintain competitive play.

Each participant had the opportunity to play four sets with tournament scoring. The winning team of the October Tournament was Team Goblins. The team consisted of  John Hodge, Lori Borresen, Elizabeth Cardoza, Val Thompson Gambina, Bill Conlin, Joe Cruz, Kathy Valdez, and Wes Clay.

Canyon Lake Tennis Club members pose in their tournament attire prior to competing in the club’s October Halloween competition. All participants played in their costumes in a most-unique tennis tournament atmosphere. The club is looking for additional members of all skill levels and has open tennis once a week at the courts by the Lodge. Photo provided by The Canyon Lake Tennis Club

The top individual scores went to Carlos Hansen for the men and Lori Borresen for the women.

Costumes were also judged and winning were Carlos Hansen and Gyan Barringham for best men’s and women’s costumes, respectively.

“Such a fun morning! Great to see everyone out on the courts,” Jennifer Denson, the Social Media contact for the club, said. “It was another fantastic morning of tennis in Canyon Lake!”

The tennis club is always looking for new members and welcomes those of all levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced. Those interested in joining the Canyon Lake Tennis Club should email Valorie Thompson Gambina at

Players donned their Halloween costumes and then took to the court over the weekend to compete in the Canyon Lake Tennis Club’s monthly tournament. Photo provided by Canyon Lake Tennis Club

“The tennis club thanks everyone for coming out to support our awesome tennis community.” Jennifer said. “We are appreciative of the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association, because without your support, our tennis scene wouldn’t be where we are today.”

The tennis club encourages all residents to come out to the courts and play social tennis every Monday and Friday. Beginning Monday, the new designated hours will go from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Earlier this month, the tennis club also had its annual club retreat at Shadow Mountain. This weekend retreat was originally scheduled for May, but was pushed back to October because of the COVID-19 restrictions.

“The club takes over the resort with a fun-packed weekend of tennis tournaments and best cannonball dive contest,” Jennifer said.  “Our club stays as active as we can to keep the community together.”


