Big weekend Halloween Blue Moon Clocks Back

This will be one busy extraterrestrial weekend. Not only are werewolves howling at costumed zombies running around Halloween night, but there’s the second full moon this month they’re dealing with. And all of that will be given an extra hour as Daylight Saving Time ends and clocks get set back an hour as everybody retires for the evening tomorrow night.

The second full moon in a month is nicknamed a Blue Moon and it couldn’t come at a more appropriate Halloween night time.

COVID-19 is surely impacting what parents and their trick or treating children are doing tomorrow night for Halloween. The typical school carnivals are gone as are events like the Chamber of Commerce’s Parade of Frights. But that doesn’t mean those costumed kids are left empty handed.

Parents, community leaders and businesses got creative to ensure that Halloween lives on. Contests, events and celebrations abound in the city and options have sprung up everywhere.

Both the city and the Canyon Lake POA have organized virtual costume contests. Halloween Town, which maps out a house-to-house visit of decorated yards and homes for revelers to view, is in full swing. And there are even contests for the community’s dogs.

POA virtual costume contest

The Canyon Lake POA is looking for Canyon Lake’s best costumes and will award $25 Canyon Lake POA gift cards to the winners in each category by age group. Entering is simple. Pictures just need to be emailed to communications@ between now and Nov. 1.

Submissions will be shared on the POA’s Facebook page before winners are announced. The winners will be selected by age group in each of the three categories: Kids, Adults and Pets. The winners will be announced on social media on Nov. 3 and each winner will receive a $25 Canyon Lake POA gift card.

Entries need to include in the email the person’s name(s) in the photo, age of each person in the photo and the person’s contact information.

City virtual costume and Home decor campaign

The City of Canyon Lake is hosting a virtual costume and home decor campaign throughout the month of October and is looking for participants to submit their photos.

The city wants to feature residents in its Halloween safety awareness campaign and is asking that creative Halloween costumes or decorations be emailed to them at media@

The social media campaign was created as a way to keep the festivities alive throughout the community.

“We love that the community is raising people’s spirits by getting us all to step up our game with our Halloween decorations,” Kelly Cascario, a participant in the campaign, said. “It’s fun to see all the houses that are participating. Our kids especially love looking at all the houses.”

However Canyon Lakers choose to celebrate Halloween this year, be it D.I.Y. costumes or extravagant decorations, the city is encouraging community members to join in on its celebration. Submitted photos will be posted on the City of Canyon Lake’s Instagram and Facebook pages.

Halloween Town

The map of participating decorated homes has gone live for Halloween Town. Over 50 homes are listed on the interactive map and are listed as to the house’s scare level. To view the map, go to the group’s Facebook Group Page, Canyon Lake Halloween Town, and click on the map.

Kenni-Marie Potter and Cassy Abraham created Canyon Lake Halloween Town, a Facebook Community page dedicated to those in Canyon Lake who have dressed up their homes with Halloween decor.

“We hope to see everyone decorated,” Joe Potter, one of the organizers, said. “We are starting the weekend before Halloween so that those who want to view the houses across the lake have an opportunity to do so safely. As with the COVID Zoo, we can’t wait to hear the laughter and joy around the community.”

K9 Club dog costume contest

When the clock strikes 5:00 p.m. on the spooky night of Oct. 31, all the dogs of Canyon Lake, small and large, are welcomed by the K9 Club to attend the Annual Halloween Costume Contest.

Virginia Furnish’s dog Sadie is dressed and ready for Halloween. The Canyon Lake K9 Club will hold its annual Halloween Costume Contest for both large and small dogs at the Dog Park tomorrow (Saturday) night at 5:00 p.m. Photo by Virginia Furnish

Large and small dogs will compete in separate categories. Prizes will be given for Most Original, Funniest and Scariest. The contest will take place at the Dog Park.

Chamber Decorated Door contest

The Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce is inviting local businesses to join its Ghostly Gallery of Decorated Doors Contest. The creation of the event is in response to the chamber’s decision to cancel the 2020 Parade of Frights, an annual Trick or Treating event in the Canyon Lake Town Center.

Participants are encouraged to decorate the doors of their businesses in any spooky and creative way they’d like.

“This contest is to bring more spirit back into Canyon Lake as Halloween approaches us,” Kristina Rasband, the chamber’s Marketing and Communications Director, said. “It’s a great way to get everyone involved. We unfortunately had to cancel the Parade of Frights, so we came up with this wonderful idea to be festive amidst COVID-19 regulations.”

A poll on the Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page is now open where customers of these businesses can vote for the most “spooktacular” door. Voting will then close at 9:00 p.m. on the night of Halloween.

“We really hope everyone will be able to participate,” Kristina said. “It will be a blast.”

The lucky winner of the Ghostly Gallery of Decorated Doors will receive free advertising from the Chamber of Commerce.

Animal Friends of the Valleys Spooktacular

The Animal Friends of the Valleys animal shelter will hold its annual Spooktacular event on Oct. 31 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The event will include a dog costume contest, raffles, boo-tique vendors, Trick or Treat and pet adoptions. There is a $10 per contestant fee. There will be limited attendance because of COVID-19 restrictions and the wearing of masks will be required.

The event will be held at the shelter at 33751 Mission Trail, Wildomar. Register at


