City wants photos of your Halloween spirit

Despite the impact of COVID-19, the Halloween spirit has not left Canyon Lake. The city is hosting a virtual costume and home decor campaign throughout the month of October and is looking for participants to submit their photos.

The city wants to feature residents in its Halloween safety awareness campaign and is asking that creative Halloween costumes or decorations be emailed to them at

The social media campaign was created as a way to keep the festivities alive throughout the community.

“We love that the community is raising people’s spirits by getting us all to step up our game with our Halloween decorations,” Kelly Cascario, a participant in the campaign, said. “It’s fun to see all the houses that are participating. Our kids especially love looking at all the houses.”

However Canyon Lakers choose to celebrate Halloween this year, be it D.I.Y. costumes or extravagant decorations, the city is encouraging community members to join in on its celebration.

Submitted photos will be posted on the City of Canyon Lake’s Instagram and Facebook pages.


