Chamber invites local businesses to decorate doors

The Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce is inviting local businesses to join its Ghostly Gallery of Decorated Doors Contest. The creation of the event is in response to the chamber’s decision to cancel the 2020 Parade of Frights, an annual Trick or Treating event in the Canyon Lake Town Center.

Ambassadors from the Chamber of Commerce will begin visiting each local business in the Town Center on Oct. 21 to invite the businesses to participate in this new contest. Participants are encouraged to decorate the doors of their businesses in any spooky and creative way they’d like.

“This contest is to bring more spirit back into Canyon Lake as Halloween approaches us,” Kristina Rasband, the chamber’s Marketing and Communications Director, said. “It’s a great way to get everyone involved. We unfortunately had to cancel the Parade of Frights, so we came up with this wonderful idea to be festive amidst COVID-19 regulations.”

On Oct. 23, a poll on the Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page will be opened where customers of these businesses can vote for the most “spooktacular” door. Voting will then close at 9:00 p.m. on the night of Halloween.

“We really hope everyone will be able to participate,” Kristina said. “It will be a blast.”

The lucky winner of the Ghostly Gallery of Decorated Doors will receive free advertising from the Chamber of Commerce.


