Woman’s Club installs officers at outdoor event

The Canyon Lake Woman’s Club, because of COVID-19 restrictions, had to get creative to hold its 48th annual installation meeting.

Despite the attendance dropping to about half of normal, the installation of officers event took place last week outdoors at Holiday Harbor. The ladies practiced social distancing and many wore face masks.

Outgoing Canyon Lake Woman’s Club President Bonnie Wade pins the new president, Alexis Prince, during the club’s annual installation event last week. She also presented her with the president’s gavel at the event held outdoors at Holiday Harbor. The club hopes to resume its regular meetings in September. Photo courtesy of Shawna Bowen

Outgoing President Bonnie Wade began the meeting by thanking all of the current board members for all their hard work during the 2019-2020 year and they were presented with a red rose. Those officers were Vicki Young, Valerie Reeves, Tammy Revard, Shawna Bowen, Alexis Prince, Terri Ireland, Louise Nielson, Cindy Jacobs, Karen Wallace, Kathy Ray, Marlene Cathro and Rose Marie Hand.

Vicky Young then presented all the past presidents who could attend with a rose and recognition for their past years of service. The past presidents in attendance were Joanna Spiller, Suzi Delia, Barbra Duncan, Dee Zazio, Rose Marie Hand, Sue Collins, Carol Vaughan, LaVerne Cann and Bonnie Wade.

The installation of the new officers for the 2020-2021 year, which starts in September, then commenced. The installation had a “Growing your Garden” theme and each new officer was presented with a plant to grow and nurture through their year on the board.

The new officers elected were Alexis Prince, President, Joanne Flewelling and Cheryl Paul, 1st Vice President Programs, Bonnie Dubbs, 2nd Vice President Membership, Debi Gonzales and Suzi Delia, 3rd Vice President Ways and Means, DJ Potter and Cheri Stetson, 4th Vice President Philanthropy, Samantha Gorel, Recording Secretary, Lisa Monson, Treasurer, Shawna Bowen, Publicity, Valerie Reeves, Newsletter and Bonnie Wade, Parliamentarian.

The historian Margaret Dombay then presented Bonnie with her scrapbook and president’s gift, an engraved vase with yellow roses.

Bonnie then presented the incoming president, Alexis Prince, with her new president’s pin and gavel and turned the remainder of the meeting over to her.

Alexis’s color for the year will be red and her theme will be “Friends are like flowers. They fill the world with beauty.”

“I am so excited and honored to be the president of the Canyon Lake Woman’s Club,” Alexis said. “The Woman’s Club is such a great organization that was established in 1972 and does so much for those in need and the community. Thank you ladies. I am honored to have you on my team.”

The Woman’s Club hopes to resume its regular monthly meetings in September.

Members are encouraged to check the club’s website for up-to-date information on those meetings as well as the club’s next event, the Witches Brew, being held October 24.


