Nancy Horton bids farewell, gives advice

Nancy Horton

A love letter to Canyon Lake:

I have so many great memories. Walks with our dogs along the San Jacinto River early in the morning where I would find masses of spring wildflowers: Popcorn Flower, Meadow Gold, Fiddlenecks and Storkbill. The best of all were the rare and exquisite “Baby Blue Eyes.” They always make my day, but so few people get out to enjoy this.

The birds. Grab a “Sibley’s” and learn the names: White Egrets, smaller Snowy Egrets, Great Blue Heron, Green Herons, Black Crowned Night Herons, Kingfishers, Grebes, Terns, and the breath-taking White Pelicans. When the water is high, take a canoe or kayak trip in spring in the North Ski Area and follow it to the unincorporated area by Kabian Park. The Grebes nest there. Like Loons, mother Grebes carry their little ones on their backs after a tiring swim lesson. It’s precious.

Join the Yacht Club for an August “sail” when the moon is full. Around 9:00 p.m., when the moon is visible, a quiet boat ride along the East Bay is a great memory.

Take any opportunity to be patriotic! Attend the Veterans Day Celebration and the quieter circle of respect for the fallen at the flagpole at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day. Sit on the bench in front of the Veterans Monument and read the names on the bricks, from a Civil War vet, to POWs, to those in every combat and conflict. There are even allied service men and women from other countries. Be so proud of a community that places a flag on the front lawn of EVERY service member who is registered with the city for Veterans Day. What other American city does that? Help the Fiesta Day Committee make Memorial Day weekend even more memorable by volunteering.

Stewardship. The lake needs champions, advocates, science-based understanding and concern. Canyon Lake citizens must take care of the lake and attend meetings. We need to find out what governmental organizations fund studies, testing and future needs. Only elect City Council, POA Board Members and EVMWD directors who understand the lake management, know who is responsible for what and report regularly to Canyon Lake residents on what we need to know. This is complicated because the lake is many things to many people. Everyone has a stake.

Attend City Council meetings, POA Board meetings and workshops. Shock everyone by visiting EVMWD board meetings. Kvetching on Facebook is cowardice. Email the elected representatives who can vote on your issues. Call them. Start a petition. Go eyeball to eyeball. But be polite and kind. Know your topic. Don’t criticize your elected officials unless you are prepared to run for election and do the work.

It is astonishing what one person can do to make a difference. Build fish condos if you live along the water. It protects fingerlings and helps more fish make it to adulthood. Plant Milkweed plants so you can watch Monarch butterflies flutter around your property. You will see eggs on the underside of the leaves. Caterpillars grow before your eyes as they devour your plants, form pupas and emerge as adult Monarchs. It’s astonishing! Put up bird feeders and watch the hummingbirds fight for first place! Make an oriole feeder out of two orange halves and grape jelly. Your eyes will feast on the males when they come in early evening for a snack. That yellow flash is nearly blinding!

Start something. Wouldn’t it be great to have a community orchestra/band? There are lots of people who played an instrument in high school and college, who may still have their instrument. How about a holiday band parade or patriotic music concert at the amphitheater? Another possibility is a golf cart precision performance in the Lodge parking lot or Holiday Harbor. Check out the Precision Golf Cart Team at the Villages in Florida! It’s just amazing. We have the golf carts, we have the men and women who could learn a routine and we have spectators of all ages! It’s perfect.

Since we moved here in December of 2000, the demographics have changed a lot. The community is younger, with more families and children. We need LOTS of things for kids to do. Fortunately, we have many seniors who have lived full lives who have expertise in tons of areas. Could the Car Club put on a clinic for kids to learn to change a tire; how to wash a car, wax it, polish it and care for it? Could the Finance Committee hold a kids’ workshop on saving money, balancing a checkbook and opening a savings account? Could the Yacht Club invite kids whose parents do not own a boat for an afternoon “sail” with a picnic at one of the parks; a senior day with a “sail” around the lake, a dessert and a cold drink at Roadrunners Park? Both men’s and women’s golf clubs already share their passion for their sport with the week-long kids’ golf clinic.

Learn about drought-tolerant plants and plant-featured specimens in your front garden for everyone walking by to enjoy. We need more succulents, and the color variety is surprising. It could become a new hobby.

Don’t just be a spectator! Join the golf cart holiday parade, the poker runs, the boat light parade, the Triathlon Club runs, bike routes and the swims. Be a mermaid or a pirate in the Canyon Lake Woman’s Club Mermaid Festival. Support the Family Matters Club in its great events for kids. Sign up for the Canyon Lake Emergency Preparedness practice drills. Be an area coordinator. Communities don’t just happen. People step up and make an event successful. Get to know new people. Show your support. That’s all it takes!

I have two mottos: “Bloom where you are planted” and “Be ready, when the end comes, to slide into home plate with scabby knees and elbow rash.” In being an instigator for the community in Canyon Lake, I have been bashed, bruised, hurt, laughed at, gossiped about and ridiculed. I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s all been worth it. Caring so deeply for a community is the only way I know. It’s time for someone else to pick up the torch.

— Nancy Horton


