Friday Flyer Office Closed…Access Staff Remotely

To comply with Governor Newsom’s mandate to self isolate, our employees are working remotely from their homes and The Friday Flyer office is temporarily closed. We continue to operate The Friday Flyer and our printing operations as usual. Our staff will be accessible via regular hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) via email and telephone. We encourage all of our customers to submit advertising, public notices (DBAs), printing and news by emailing requests and content to the recipient at our office (or or or by simply going to Submit News/Photo menu item on this webpage. We are hoping this disruption will not cause us to miss a beat in providing the community with the services we have provided for 30 years here. Our number one concern, of course, is that we keep you and our employees healthy. Thank you for your patience as we attempt to make that happen.


