Letter: Fairway Estates Gate

Editor, The Friday Flyer,

I am writing today to address an important issue at the Fairway Estates. I need the POA to protect the gate. They have not. Many outsiders who are not called in continue to use Skylink Dr. and Big Tee Dr. as an alternative route for Railroad Canyon Rd.

Please help keep the Fairway Estates protected, safe and the POA to not let uncalled guests in. There is a trail of cars waiting on Railroad Canyon Rd. when trying to enter Skylink Dr. and Big Tee Dr. due to this.

Residents are having to wait to enter by cars flying by speeding on Railroad Canyon Rd. when the gate to Skylink Dr. is backed up. We are told by the POA to “turn around” and go to Big Tee Dr. I assure you there is no “safe” way to “turn around” at the gate on Skylink next to speeding cars in Railroad Canyon Rd.

The other issue is guests waiting at each gate on Skylink Dr. and Big Tee Dr. until they are forced to be let in. They are not called in. I see the POA automatically opening the gate for these cars who are not guests.

The POA has been unprofessional and rude as I address this concern of pure safety at the Fairway Estates.

RJ Duarte


