Letter: Randy Bonner

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I have known Randy for many years and have witnessed his willingness and ability to challenge community issues in a manner that reflects capable governance, and an ability to inspire consensus. Randy has served in many capacities in both the POA, and City Counsel, and has been both President of the POA, and Mayor of the City. The man is honest, trustworthy, capable, and focused on bettering the community, both physically, and in bringing people together.

When Randy was in office he promoted the concept of roundtable discussions with participation from the City, POA, EVMWD, Chief of Police, Chamber of Commerce, Merchant Owners Association and homeowners with experience and a willingness to take on issues confronting the community. The idea created dialogue and problem solving at the community level using the talents and experience represented by those in attendance.

One of the other ideas Randy focused upon was building a better image for our City, as we are often mentioned in the press in a negative manner. Randy developed a concerted and effective game plan for asserting all the positive things the community represents. Many hours have been contributed to the community in Randy’s reaching out to create a better living environment and to improve upon the relationships with the city governments that surround Canyon Lake, and be active in county agencies and committees. He is one of a few that has a grip on the fire and police service cost problems the City is confronted with and is competent in studying alternatives that are rational.

Randy is a dedicated and effective true public servant whose only interest is to serve the community well. Randy is a community asset and deserves your vote.

Warren Kelsey


