Letter: Community Workshop

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I just wanted to thank The Friday Flyer for the article announcing our Facility Review Committee Workshops. We have had a nice turnout of people during the first seven meetings, representing the various clubs and committees. And we have had over 130 ideas suggested to improve our community already.

We have one more member meeting opportunity to gather more ideas and input before we release the list to the community next week to then vote on which suggested ideas and/or projects are the priorities in their mind.

The survey will be online for those who want to participate electronically, and we will have survey cards for those of us who do not have computers accessible, to come in and fill out. I hope The Friday Flyer will help us get the vote out on this important part of the initial planning process for developing the long range master plan for Canyon Lake over the next few weeks.

Again, thank you for your continuing support and help in this process. You have always been there for us when we need it.

Steve Libring, Chair

Facility Review Committee


