Letter: Water and New Homes

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

No answer yet from EVMWD but maybe someone else can explain this to me.

EVMWD wants me to cut back on the use of water due to the extreme drought in California. They want me to empty my bird baths, let my tomatoes, cabbage, radishes and bell peppers die. They want me to turn off the water in between swipes of my face when I’m shaving and turn off the faucet when I’m brushing my teeth. They also would like me to put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher without rinsing them first.

They want all of this when they continue to issue “will serve” letters for the new services to the thousands of homes now being built in and around Lake Elsinore.

If I were to be ultra conservative in the use of water, I could not save in a month the amount of water just one of these new hookups will use in a single day.

EVMWD, please advise: my birds are thirsty and my plants are dying.

James and Emma Magill


