How to use Twitter for your business

Kerry Keith The Friday Flyer Columnist

Kerry Keith
The Friday Flyer Columnist

Social media offers great advantages in the workplace if you know how to utilize it. Starting with the basics you can learn how to promote your business to provide more exposure. The top social media sites for businesses include,,,,, a Facebook page (you must already have a Facebook account to have a Facebook page), and

If you’re a beginner, a Twitter page is a good place to start. It’s one of the easiest to use and the updates, also known as posts or tweets, on Twitter are very simple. Here’s how you get started.

  • Log onto
  • Click “Sign Up” on the right hand side of the page then follow the directions.
  • You will need a Twitter name, also known as your profile name or Twitter handle. Try to 
pick a short name and something that relates closely to your business. It will automatically show you if the name is already taken and will offer suggestions on a name that’s available.
  • You will need a password. Make sure you don’t use the same password for every account. Hackers are everywhere so it’s always best to use different passwords for different accounts.
  • There’s a box on the bottom to check or uncheck that states, “Tailor Twitter based on my recent website’s visits.” If checked, it’ll send you tweets from companies and other people related to the websites you visit.
  • Click “Create My Account.
  • Click on the empty profile photo that will open up to your computer files to upload the photo of your choosing. If you have a retail space, try a photo of the front of your store. If you own a restaurant, how about a photo of a special dish or drink, or maybe a photo 
of your product or company logo. Don’t leave this space empty.
  • Click the area below your profile photo so you can write a short bio about your business.

Twitter will present you with a list of popular people to follow. You don’t have to follow anyone if you don’t want to. You’ll be given the option to follow people you know and you’ll be asked to grant Twitter access to your email contacts if you choose. It’s a good idea to follow those you know because hopefully they’ll start following you.

There are many options and tools to customize your Twitter account. Click on your photo or logo on the top right corner of the main page, then scroll down and click “Settings.” On the left hand side are lots of options. A great tool is to connect your Twitter account to your Facebook page or other social media accounts. Click Apps then a window will appear offering you options to connect your Twitter Account with Facebook so your tweets appear on your Facebook page without having to log onto Facebook.

Now that your account is set up, it’s time to start sharing. At the top of the page there’s a box that says “What’s happening?” where you click in the box then you start typing. You’re only allowed 140 characters, including a photo that will take up space, so you need to make it short and sweet.

To the right of the box is a picture of a camera. Click on it and it’ll take you to your files. It’s recommended to upload a photo into your tweet. If you add an # symbol before a word or words put together, for example #CanyonLake, then the # symbol tags that word; so if

someone is looking for anything in Canyon Lake, your post will come up in their search. It’s also known as hashtag. When you’re finished, click the blue box on the right that says Tweet.

Twitter also has a free smartphone app that allows you to tweet from your phone, which is one of the easiest apps to use. Photos are your best friend in the social media world. If you don’t have time to write a post then just send out a photo. The more you tweet and the more you use hashtags, the more chance it will be retweeted.

This means someone read your tweet and wanted others to know about what you posted so they sent (retweeted) your message to all the people that are following them.

There’s also an advantage to adding the Twitter logo to your marketing materials and a link to your Twitter account on your website. It gives your customers another place to find you instantly and to read what’s happening with your business.

Don’t forget to ask your customers to follow you. Having followers offers you additional opportunities to grow your business by possibly offering specials, sales, or discounts only to them; for example, if they follow you they get $10 off their next purchase. Exploring all that Twitter offers should help bring in new customers and gain further exposure for your business.


