Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor policy

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on community issues. Letters containing more than 300 words are subject to editing.

Canyon Lakers may send letters no more than once a month and all must include first and last name, tract and lot and phone number.

The Friday Flyer does not print neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials. It does not print “open” letters or letters directed to other persons. Local political letters with content that is civil, promotes candidates and initiatives, and does not contain anything directed toward an opponent are allowed.

Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue.

Letters should be e-mailed to news@goldingpublications.com. and must be received by Tuesday at noon unless otherwise noted for holidays.


Lioness Pull-tabs

The Canyon Lake Lioness Club would like to say thank you to all those who contributed pull-tabs from cans for Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda. The Canyon Lake Lioness donated 247,422 tabs, which equates to 158 pounds.

Many thanks to Gigi and Clarence Todd, who donated 26 gallon containers full of tabs. Those really helped raise our total contribution. Canyon Lake Middle School collected 142,389 tabs, which equates to an additional 91 pounds. Many thanks to Colleen Stevens and the students for their contribution. Thank you to all in our community who donated. The contributions will provide money for Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House to help pay for the upkeep of the House as well as defraying the cost for families staying there while their children receive treatment at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital.

We’ve already started collecting for next year’s “Million Tab Day.” So, save those pull-tabs from beverage, vegetable, soup, etc. cans and give them to any Lion or Lioness in Canyon Lake.

Joanna Spiller


East Bay Water

I have read for way too long about the lack of success the alum treatments have had in the East Bay of Canyon Lake.

Is there anything else that can be done? It is quite disappointing to drive across the Main Causeway and, on the one side, the water has seen marked improvement – on the other side it has not.

Other than the obvious (more homes) what is different about the East Bay? The boat speed limit.

Has the CLPOA ever considered temporarily raising the speed limit as a test to see if the increased movement of water would help with the algae blooms?

I don’t know if it would or not, but it seems to me the possible wear and tear on the waterfront docks would be worth it if these residents were to see the water quality improve.

After the election results have been tallied, it would be nice to have one of the Board members champion this idea and see if it has any merit.

Rich Kellison


